Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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  • 10/12/2021 2:42 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    National Women Pharmacist Day

    #WomenPharmacistDay (WPD) is today!

    Please join us as we celebrate women in pharmacy. VSHP honors, not just the trailblazers and current leaders who have made such progress possible, but all women in pharmacy including technicians, pharmacists and students. Their daily commitment to patient care and the advancement of pharmacy practices have set the foundation of pharmacy in our country and the world.

    Women pharmacists have been a cornerstone of VSHP. VSHP has had 17 women Past Presidents, including 11 of the past 31, with Cindy Williams being the most recent (Immediate Past President two years ago). Women continue to comprise many of the leadership roles: Kathy Koehl is President Elect, Natalie Nguyen is Secretary, and Lisa Hammond is Treasurer. Currently six of 8 Region Presidents and five of 8 committee chairs are women. Women continue to make significant contributions every year to the progress of VSHP.

    ASHP, whose first CEO was Gloria Niemeyer Francke, provides opportunities to hear women about their professional journeys. Here is a snippet of the offerings, with more available on the ASHP web site:

    ASHP Official Podcasts



    On behalf of VSHP, we are honored to recognize and applaud the contributions of women pharmacists.

    For more information:

  • 09/21/2021 5:05 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)


    Like ASHP, ACCP and several other professional organizations, due to the latest surge of COVID with the Delta variant, the VSHP Board of Directors has voted to move our 2021 Fall Seminar to a virtual meeting.  We had hoped that we could overcome the current surge; however, we have learned there is no guarantee of arresting this virus especially in two months. The Fall Seminar meeting dates will remain the same:  November 5-6, 2021.

    This decision was difficult as all of us long for the professional interaction, with the sharing of progress and the stimulation of new ideas, that more readily comes from live, in-person meetings.  We consider your health and wellness (as well as your families’ and patients’ health) to be most important and any increase in risk from an in-person meeting may jeopardize that. I believe the Board made the most responsible decision and I am certain we will again provide an excellent, complete seminar.

    On the bright side, the Education Committee has already made the pivot. I anticipate the Residency Showcase, Pearls Session, Poster Session, Reverse Expo, Commonwealth Leadership Forum, and awards presentations will continue to be offered, in addition to outstanding CE presentations that VSHP is known for. The details with days and times for the virtual events will be announced in the near future.  Similar to last year, the Spring Seminar will closely follow, and I am looking forward to returning to an in-person seminar in 2022!

    Thank you for all that you continually do on behalf of your patients and the profession!


    Craig Kirkwood

    VSHP President


  • 09/09/2021 3:28 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)


    Each year, VSHP recognizes pharmacy practitioners that have demonstrated outstanding service to the pharmacy profession within Virginia. 


    VSHP Annual Awards include:

    VSHP Technician of the Year

    VSHP New Practitioner of the Year 

    VSHP Pharmacist of the Year 

    Clinical Pharmacy Practice Achievement Award 

    R.D. Anderson Distinguished Leadership Award


    To nominate:


    Additional details on award criteria and nomination process can be found at Annual Awards. The deadline for award nomination is Friday, October 8, 2021. Awards will be presented during the VSHP Fall Seminar, November 2021. 

  • 09/01/2021 4:14 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)
    We are reaching out today to invite you to participate in the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ (VSHP) Mentoring Program for the 2021-2022 year. The Mentoring Program is an opportunity for pharmacists and current students to interact, so that students can learn more about health-system pharmacy and develop professionally. The program was created with the hope that students would be given a stress-free experience to establish a professional relationship with a health-system pharmacist who shares similar interests.

    Thank you to those who have served as mentors in the past. We hope that you have had a positive experience and are looking forward to another year of mentorship. As a reminder, to remain an active mentor in the program and receive new mentees, mentors must reapply each year.


    New this year, we are also piloting a New Practitioner Mentoring program. Mentors who are less than 5 years into practice (including residents and fellows) will be paired with a mentor who is >5 years into practice, pending interest. Our hope would be to pair you with someone outside of your current health-system, thus further building your network. This pilot is tentatively planned to start in January 2022. There is a place in the application to express your interest in this new part of the program. More details to come!


    We are firm believers that students and New Practitioners are the future of our practice, regardless of their professional field of choice. It is up to more seasoned pharmacists to help these newly practicing pharmacists develop professionally to move our profession forward through leadership and practice change.


    Please visit our website at to learn more. You can fill out the application here: by October 1st, 2021.


    Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact any member of the VSHP Mentorship Program Committee (contact information below).


    We look forward to your mentorship! Thank you for your time and consideration.




    Mentorship Program Pharmacist Co-Chairs                     Mentorship Program Student Vice Co-Chairs


    Lauren Pamulapati, PharmD, BCACP                             Alissa Clayton, PharmD Candidate 2022

    E:                                              E:


    Serena Barden, PharmD, BCPS                                     Kelly Pratt, PharmD Candidate 2022

    E:                                  E:


  • 08/31/2021 10:58 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    The mission of the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to inspire innovative pharmacy practice by promoting education, advocacy and collaboration to help people achieve optimal health outcomes. We work towards fulfilling our mission every year through education of our members via region meetings, statewide meetings, newsletters, and our website; fostering professional standards; educating the public about the role of health system pharmacists; monitoring legislative issues that affect pharmacy; and by promoting health system pharmacy as a career path for future pharmacists. The majority of our Society's work is done by member volunteers working through our committees. You can play a vital role by serving on one of our committees.

    What will you get out of it? You will meet and get to know many of the current and future pharmacy leaders in Virginia. You will have the professional satisfaction of helping shape and advance health system pharmacy in Virginia. You will make new friends. You will build your resume.

    If you are interested in serving on a committee for VSHP, please fill out the form below.  Committee involvement typically takes less than 1 hour per month and is facilitated through conference calls.

    The Committee Chair will contact you regarding upcoming meetings or other opportunities to participate. 



    COMMUNICATIONS: The Communications Committee is responsible for the direction, development, and quality control of all VSHP publications, including the VSHP web site.

    EDUCATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Educational Affairs Committee is responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating educational content of the 2 statewide VSHP meetings.

    GRANTS: The Grants Committee will review requests from individuals and groups in need of grant funding for specific programs or program elements which match the mission of VSHP.

    LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS: The Legislative Affairs Committee is responsible for informing the VSHP membership and Board of Directors of important legislation and regulations and how they will impact pharmacy practice in organized health care settings in Virginia.

    MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT: The Membership Engagement Committee reviews and suggests ways for the membership of VSHP to become more engaged in VSHP.  

    ORGANIZATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Organizational Affairs Committee reviews and analyzes the VSHP organization and make recommendations to increase its effectiveness. 

    PAC: The Political Action Committee works to raise monies for the VSHP PAC and determines the best uses for the funds raised.

    STUDENT and RESIDENTS COMMITTEE: The Student and Residents Committee provides input to VSHP on how to get students interested in health-system pharmacy practice and how to get them interested and involved in VSHP.

    Make a commitment to get involved in VSHP.

    To join a committee:

    Please respond by 9/21/2021


  • 08/22/2021 5:22 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Submissions for November 5-6, 2021, Kingsmill Resort, Williamsburg VA

    VSHP is accepting speaker proposals that will provide quality continuing education to our members. Please submit your completed proposal form to by Tuesday, September 7.

    Thank you for supporting the educational mission of VSHP!

    The 2021 Fall Seminar Hot Topics list is attached.  The VSHP Education Committee will consider all topics for presentation, with additional consideration for all presentations related to subjects on the Hot Topics list.   Presentations with interactive activities are encouraged. 

    Please complete the attached Proposal Form

    call for presentation fall 2021 vshp.docx
  • 08/20/2021 8:39 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP Mentorship Committee Book Club: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

    Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor Southern tobacco farmer who worked the same land as her slave ancestors, yet her cells—taken without her knowledge—became one of the most important tools in medicine: The first “immortal” human cells grown in culture, which are still alive today, though she has been dead for more than sixty years. HeLa cells were vital for developing the polio vaccine; uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the atom bomb’s effects; helped lead to important advances like in vitro fertilization, cloning, and gene mapping; and have been bought and sold by the billions. 

    Yet Henrietta Lacks remains virtually unknown, buried in an unmarked grave.

    As author Rebecca Skloot brilliantly shows, the story of the Lacks family—past and present—is inextricably connected to the dark history of experimentation on African Americans, the birth of bioethics, and the legal battles over whether we control the stuff we are made of. 

    Join us for a discussion of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (now a major motion picture!) via Zoom October 13, 2021 at 19:00

    The book club entails a 1-hour online call, where members will be able to get to know each other and discuss the selected book. All members (students, technicians, etc.) welcome! VSHP Book Club will be held at 19:00 on the 2nd Wednesday of every 3rd month (January, April, July, October)


    Submit your suggestions for future book club reads!:

  • 08/12/2021 11:41 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Craig Kirkwood has been installed as VSHP President for 2021-2022

    Current position: Assistant Director for Pharmacotherapy Services at VCU Health, and Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy

    Past VSHP Roles:  Initially a member of the Professional Practice Committee; a moderator and presenter for New Drugs updates at Spring and Fall Seminars; and the Regional President Elect and Regional President representing Region IV.  In June 2018, completed second two-year term as the VSHP Secretary and member of the Executive Committee. Served as a VSHP delegate at the House of Delegates during the meetings of 2011, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020.


  • 08/12/2021 11:20 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)
    Congratulations to the following members who have been elected to various VSHP offices


    Kathy Koehl has been elected President-elect

    Lisa Hammond has been elected Treasurer

     James Fiebert was elected Board member at large


    Leah West was elected as the Technician Representative to the VSHP Board

    Tyler Goins was elected Region 1 President-elect


    Jonathan Puhl was elected Region 2 President-elect


    Bridgette Smiegel was elected Region 3 President-elect


    Denise Reilly was elected Region 4 President-elect


    Sara Ladd was re-elected as Region 5 President


    Amber Wesner was re-elected as Region 7 President


    Mary Swisher was elected as Region 8 President-elect


    Congratulations to all and we look forward to working with you.


  • 07/24/2021 2:49 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Residents from around the state gathered on July 23 for the Annual VSHP Residency Forum.

    Topics presented included:

    VSHP Introduction

    Keynote- Residency Updates

    Time Management


    Financial Planning


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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