National Women Pharmacist Day
#WomenPharmacistDay (WPD) is today!
Please join us as we celebrate women in pharmacy. VSHP honors, not just the trailblazers and current leaders who have made such progress possible, but all women in pharmacy including technicians, pharmacists and students. Their daily commitment to patient care and the advancement of pharmacy practices have set the foundation of pharmacy in our country and the world.
Women pharmacists have been a cornerstone of VSHP. VSHP has had 17 women Past Presidents, including 11 of the past 31, with Cindy Williams being the most recent (Immediate Past President two years ago). Women continue to comprise many of the leadership roles: Kathy Koehl is President Elect, Natalie Nguyen is Secretary, and Lisa Hammond is Treasurer. Currently six of 8 Region Presidents and five of 8 committee chairs are women. Women continue to make significant contributions every year to the progress of VSHP.
ASHP, whose first CEO was Gloria Niemeyer Francke, provides opportunities to hear women about their professional journeys. Here is a snippet of the offerings, with more available on the ASHP web site:
ASHP Official Podcasts
On behalf of VSHP, we are honored to recognize and applaud the contributions of women pharmacists.
For more information:
tel: 850-728-4474
fax: 678-401-0259