Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Member benefits

10 Great Reasons to Be a Member

1. Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together to provide optimal medication use, mitigate supply chain issues and promote innovative pharmacy practice within the commonwealth.

2. Continuing Education: VSHP sponsors two seminars annually, spring and fall.  The seminars provide quality education and networking for pharmacy professionals and students, and you receive a SIGNIFICANT discount by being a member.  You can contribute to the content with presentations, help plan the seminar or attend to enhance your professional development. 

Seminars provided include live continuing education presentations that meet BOP requirements in Virginia.   VSHP also offer monthly virtual CE presentations on hot topics throughout the year to members.

3. Networking: You have many opportunities to network with pharmacy professionals in the region and, building your contacts, sharing ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your current job, find opportunities for career enhancement, etc. Networking events range from Bi-annual Seminars to regional meetings.

4. Leadership Opportunities: You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and meeting management skills that you may need for your resume, professional growth or self-promotion.  Opportunities are available on the Board, committees and special projects.  VSHP also provides leadership development content through seminar and the Commonwealth Leadership Forum

5. Public Policy / Advocacy: You can contribute to the strong advocacy program centered on assuring that health system pharmacy voices are being heard.  The Legislative Committee prepares legislative updates/alerts, and keeps track of pharmacy related issues under consideration by the State/Federal legislators and Board of Pharmacy.  VSHP contracts with a lobbyist to advocate for priority pharmacy and medication use issues.

6. Free Informational Services: The association keeps members in touch with each other and current issues through the association’s web site, social media and email updates of emerging issues relevant to pharmacy practice. You remain informed about pharmacy practice in the commonwealth in a way that saves you time. 

7. Affiliation: VSHP is an affiliate of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP).

8. Discounts on Educational Offerings: You receive reduced or no-cost registration fees at all VSHP sponsored continuing education events.

9. Recognition: You can be recognized or can recognize your colleagues for their achievements in pharmacy practice through the annual awards. 

10. Empowerment: You are part of a larger community.  You are empowered to get involved in issues that affect your personal and professional communities and your quality of life.

Become a member


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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