Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Latest News

  • 02/03/2023 9:42 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP is hosting a Poster Competition at VSHP Spring Seminar 2023

    VSHP Members are invited to submit abstract and poster in 1 of the following









    Pharmacy Resident



    Pharmacy Student



    Pharmacy Technician

    General Information:





    Accepted posters will be displayed at the VSHP 2023 Spring Seminar


    March 30-April 1, 2023


    Virginia Crossings Hotel, Glen Allen, VA



    Primary author for each pharmacy resident, pharmacy student, and pharmacy technician poster submission will receive free registration for the 2023 VSHP Spring Seminar.



    All presenters must be registered for the VSHP 2023 Spring Seminar, at minimum for the day of the presentation.



    Primary author for one submission in the pharmacy resident, pharmacy student, and pharmacy technician poster categories will be eligible to win a $100 award and a recognition certificate from the VSHP Educational Affairs Committee



    Primary author for pharmacist poster category will be eligible to win a recognition certificate from the VSHP Educational Affairs Committee



    Only 1 submission per member is permitted as primary author.  A member may be a co-author for multiple abstract and poster submissions.

    More information

  • 01/27/2023 5:29 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)
    VSHP and VPhA hosted another successful Legislative Day event on January 18, 2023 at the State Capitol in Richmond, VA.


    We advocated for the following bills:

         HB2274 (Kilgore)/SB948 - Test/Treat/Refer for Flu/Strep/COVID/UTI following statewide protocols

         Jan 19th status:

         HB2274 reported out of subcommittee to full HWI (5Y/4N)

         SB948 reported out of subcommittee to full Senate (14Y/0N)

         Senate bill pending submission (Pillion) - Virginia Medicaid provider status

         HB1835 (Bell) - Enhances penalties for threats against healthcare providers


    VSHP also provided education to legislators on safe medication handling and the consequences that white bagging has on patient care.


    Many thanks to the VSHP members who traveled to Richmond to join us. The joint efforts with our VPhA colleagues are making a difference! Check out the social media posts tagged with #VARxAdvocacy2023 for more pictures.


    Call to Action!

    HB2274 needs your help!  Please reach out to your Delegate to encourage them to support the bill when it arrives to them.  The following delegates will see the bill next in the HWI committee and we fear a tight vote:  Orrock, Head, Bell, Hodges, Edmunds, Robinson, Walker, Fariss, Cherry, Scott (Phillip), March, Wachsmann, Sickles, Hope, Price, Hayes, Delaney, Adams (Dawn), Guzman, Tran, Willett, Hudson.


    Find your legislator:


    We will continue to track all legislation as it is submitted and will send further Calls to Action as the need arises.


    We look forward to hosting another successful event at next year’s Pharmacy Legislative Day!


    Your Legislative Committee


  • 01/12/2023 9:27 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    The Primer was conducted virtually on 1/11/2023 to assist members in gaining familiarity with the Legislative Day experience.  Legislative Day is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18.

    Attached are the slides from the presentation.

    legislative day primer 2023.pdf

  • 12/23/2022 8:19 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Attention ASHP Pharmacists members in Virginia:

    The ballot for election of Virginia delegates to the ASHP House were emailed on 12/22. If you did not receive yours, please email

  • 12/21/2022 1:31 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    2023 Pharmacy Legislative Day at the Virginia General Assembly

    January 18th, 2023 - Richmond, VA -  7a-3p

    VSHP is joining forces with VPhA once again to advocate for our profession.

    Gathering Location:Truist Tower

    919 East Main Street

    4th Floor – Auditorium

    Richmond, VA 23219

    The Legislative Committee is looking for VSHP members to join us in Richmond to meet with legislators.  We will educate them and their staff on topics important to health system pharmacy practice alongside our VPhA colleagues. 

    Please use the following link hosted on VPhA’s website for registration.  You will be asked to pay the $45 registration fee on their site.  VSHP members may request reimbursement from VSHP to cover upto the $45 registration fee (VPhA members may register at the lower figure).  Reimbursement will be done following Legislative Day attendance is confirmed.  The following link also has information regarding a discounted block of rooms for those traveling from out of town.

    We will offering a pre-legislative day orientation via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, January 11 @ 12 noon.  To participate in the orientation go to:

    Microsoft Teams meeting

    Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

    Click here to join the meeting

    Meeting ID: 279 151 994 210
    Passcode: cNMeGa

    Download Teams | Join on the web

    Join with a video conferencing device

    Video Conference ID: 118 421 210 1

    Alternate VTC instructions

    Learn More | Meeting options

  • 12/21/2022 11:19 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP signs-on to the ASHP letter regarding pharmacist reimbursement for American Rescue Plan mandatory benefits that was sent to Deputy Administrator and Director Daniel Tsai at the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services.

  • 12/07/2022 11:07 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    This past year, $10,000, had been set aside for its grants program. This program allows VSHP members to apply for a grant in order to fund a project which will improve health - system pharmacy services and patient care in Virginia. There are several conditions that must be met for a successful grant application. The Grants Committee is proud to announce the grant proposals that were selected this year: 

    • Rebecca Collins (VCU) was awarded a grant to help pay for monitoring supplies, such as blood pressure cuffs, for a program that will utilize pharmacy students and residents to provide health screenings to the homeless population in the greater Richmond area.  This has been set up as an approved service learning opportunity through VCU School of Pharmacy.
    • Caitlin Prather (INOVA) was awarded a grant to help optimize care for patients undergoing PrEP therapy at an increased risk for osteoporosis. A peripheral bone densitometer will be purchased to help monitor bone health in this patient population.
    • Jennifer Purdy (Riverside) was awarded a grant to expand a pilot program to improve the quality of life for older adults. A comprehensive medication management (CMM) program will be conducted and enable individuals to receive one-on-one education and tailored advice from a pharmacist.

    Congratulations to the awardees!

  • 12/07/2022 10:51 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    See the letter below from the Virginia Board of Pharmacy regarding a new CE requirement in 2023.   VSHP's Education Committee is working to bring this CE to our meetings in 2023. 

  • 12/02/2022 9:47 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)


    The mission of the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to inspire innovative pharmacy practice by promoting education, advocacy and collaboration to help people achieve optimal health outcomes. We work towards fulfilling our mission every year through education of our members via region meetings, statewide meetings, newsletters, and our website; fostering professional standards; educating the public about the role of health system pharmacists; monitoring legislative issues that affect pharmacy; and by promoting health system pharmacy as a career path for future pharmacists. The majority of our Society's work is done by member volunteers working through our committees. You can play a vital role by serving on one of our committees.

    What will you get out of it? You will meet and get to know many of the current and future pharmacy leaders in Virginia. You will have the professional satisfaction of helping shape and advance health system pharmacy in Virginia. You will make new friends. You will build your resume.

    If you are interested in serving on a committee for VSHP, please fill out the form below.  Committee involvement typically takes less than 1 hour per month and is facilitated through conference calls.

    The Committee Chair will contact you regarding upcoming meetings or other opportunities to participate. 



    COMMUNICATIONS: The Communications Committee is responsible for the direction, development, and quality control of all VSHP publications, including the VSHP web site.

    EDUCATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Educational Affairs Committee is responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating educational content of the 2 statewide VSHP meetings.

    GRANTS: The Grants Committee will review requests from individuals and groups in need of grant funding for specific programs or program elements which match the mission of VSHP.

    LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS: The Legislative Affairs Committee is responsible for informing the VSHP membership and Board of Directors of important legislation and regulations and how they will impact pharmacy practice in organized health care settings in Virginia.

    MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT: The Membership Engagement Committee reviews and suggests ways for the membership of VSHP to become more engaged in VSHP.  

    ORGANIZATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Organizational Affairs Committee reviews and analyzes the VSHP organization and make recommendations to increase its effectiveness. 

    PAC: The Political Action Committee works to raise monies for the VSHP PAC and determines the best uses for the funds raised.

    STUDENT and RESIDENTS COMMITTEE: The Student and Residents Committee provides input to VSHP on how to get students interested in health-system pharmacy practice and how to get them interested and involved in VSHP.

    Make a commitment to get involved in VSHP.

    To join a committee: 

    Please respond by 12/31/2022


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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