Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

National Pharmacist Day-January 12, 2022

01/12/2022 5:07 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

Please join VSHP as we celebrate National Pharmacist Day!

While we know, and are continually reminded each day, that it takes a team for pharmacy services to function, for today VSHP would like to recognize the pharmacist’s contribution. Health-system pharmacists’ daily commitment to patient care and advancement of pharmacy practices have set the foundation of pharmacy in our country and the world.

The origin of this less-recognized pharmacy observance is unknown, according the National Day Calendar crew:

In honor of the day, the U.S. Census department has picked up on the changes to pharmacy practice over the years:

On behalf of VSHP, we hope you have a Happy National Pharmacist Day!

Craig Kirkwood

VSHP President


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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