Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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  • 07/16/2021 3:00 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP 2021 Virtual Summer Strategic Officers Planning Retreat was held

    July 12, 2021 2:00-4:00 PM  and July 13, 1:00-4:00P


    Itinerary included

    Introductions, Review of Agenda, & Deliverables for Retreat

    Vital Signs - Initial Reflections    

    Installation of Officers  

    Information Review 

                                    Strategic Plan 2020-2021

    Accomplishments, Goals & Status of work from committees

    What we did and did not accomplish

    Projects to carryover and timelines

    Update plans: how and when

    What's Professionally Keeping You Up at Night [OR  If you could be anywhere else right now]       

    Breakout Focus Groups

    1. Organizational strategy for the future:
      1. Are we adequately cultivating our leadership?
      2. Elected officers as committee chairs - assisting or thwarting member development?
      3. How should the organizational structure be changed?
      4. Are we maximizing the relationships with students and residents?
    2. Emerging from the pandemic:
      1. How can we quickly capitalize on the re-opening of society?
      2. What will the new normal look like relative to VSHP's role with its members?
      3. What considerations will carry over from the pandemic for meetings?
      4.  Are there Wellbeing & Resiliency Stage II considerations?
    3. Legislative strategy: 
      1. What efforts should VSHP champion ("own") this year?
      2. What efforts should we support?
      3. How is our relationship with ASHP efforts?
      4. How is our relationship with VPhA efforts?


    Moving Forward - Strategic Plan Development


  • 07/13/2021 1:28 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    On July 6, representatives of ASHP and VSHP met with staff from Senator Mark Warner’s office to discuss Senate Bill S.1362 – The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act. Doug Huynh, the ASHP Federal Lobbyist, introduced the bi-partisan legislation that will amend the Social Security Act to include pharmacists on the list of recognized healthcare providers. Craig Kirkwood, Mark Hickman and Matt Jenkins, representing VSHP, provided more details about the legislation especially relative to the Commonwealth of Virginia. 


    The bill would allow pharmacists to be reimbursed, similar to other non-physicians at 85% of the fee schedule, for certain healthcare services under Medicare Part B in medically underserved areas. While this bill does not change a pharmacist’s scope of practice, it will expand access to care for patients, especially elderly patients, given the availability and importance of pharmacists’ services as shown in the pandemic response. While the CBO has not scored this bill yet, ASHP has estimated that the bill will reduce healthcare expenditures $4 for every $1 spent on pharmacists’ clinical services.


    The bill was introduced in the Senate by Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), Robert Casey (D-PA) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH). A sister bill has been introduced in the House as H.R. 2759 by Representatives GK Butterfield (D-NC) and David McKinley (R-WV). The bill is not new – it was introduced in both the Senate and House in the 114th and 115th Congress. Each year the number of co-sponsors has increased.


    You may support this bill by contacting your Senator and/or Representative and asking them to co-sponsor the legislation.  Assistance is available




  • 07/05/2021 11:48 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP Members,

    VSHP has set aside $10,000 for the grant program. This program allows VSHP members to apply for a grant in order to fund a project that will improve health-system pharmacy services and patient care in Virginia. Last year, VSHP awarded 6 grants to VSHP members. 

    There are several conditions for a successful grant application:

    • The application must be submitted by a current member of VSHP via this link:

    • All applications are due by August 3, 2021. 
    • All grant funds must be used within 12 months of the grant's approval date. 
    • Any unused funds must be returned to VSHP. 
    • Updates to VSHP must be provided quarterly and a follow up report must be written to VSHP within one year of disbursement of funds, or when the project has been completed (whichever occurs first). 

    Questions? Please contact Catherine Floroff at or 757-404-6063.

  • 05/26/2021 2:17 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    More Than 130 Healthcare Groups Express Support for Legislation Expanding Medicare Patients’ Access to Pharmacist Services

    Included in this list is VSHP.

    See article in attached link

  • 04/25/2021 7:42 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    As National Volunteer Week 2021 comes to an end, we thank our members who continue to give of their time and talents any time they are called into service.  We want to acknowledge you and thank you for your service. 

    As stated in President Biden’s proclamation, “The tremendous power of volunteers and volunteerism has been on dramatic display in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic”.  VSHP members have been at the fore front of many challenging responses in our communities and hospitals from natural disasters to pandemics to service to VSHP.

    As National Volunteer Week ends, we acknowledge our fellow volunteers, and know you are the backbone of the VSHP.

    Thank you for your service,


  • 03/30/2021 1:46 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Mentorship Committee Book Club: Dopesick

    Our next book club will be April 14, 2021 at 19:00. We will be discussing Dopesick by Beth Macy, as suggested by January book club attendees. This is a soon to be Hulu Original Series that “takes us into the epicenter of a national drama that has unfolded over two decades. From the labs and marketing departments of big pharma to local doctor's offices; wealthy suburbs to distressed small communities in Central Appalachia; from distant cities to once-idyllic farm towns; the spread of opioid addiction follows a tortuous trajectory that illustrates how this crisis has persisted for so long and become so firmly entrenched.”

    The book club entails a 1-hour online call, where members will be able to get to know each other and discuss the selected book. All members (students, technicians, etc.) welcome! VSHP Book Club will be held at 19:00 on the 2nd Wednesday of every 3rd month (January, April, July, October)

    RSVP:   Register in advance for this meeting:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Follow this link to vote for July's book club selection: 

  • 02/24/2021 2:12 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Call for Nominations

    The 2021 VSHP Committee on Nominations is pursuing members who wish to get or stay active and involved in VSHP. These candidates should exhibit qualities of leadership, vision and professional awareness that will sustain the enterprising and pioneering spirit that has characterized VSHP.

    The offices of President-elect, Treasurer, Board Member at Large, and Technician at Large are included in this election cycle.

    Nominees for President-elect, Treasurer, Board Member at Large must be a pharmacist member of VSHP. 

    Nominees for Technician Board Member at Large must be a technician member of VSHP.

    The term of office for the President-elect will be June 2021-June 2022; President from June 2022-June 2023; Immediate Past-President June 2023-June 2024.

    Treasurer and Board member at large are 2 year terms from June 2021-June 2023.

    Technician Board Member at Large is a one year term from June 2021-June 2022.

    Position descriptions may be found on the VSHP website at:

    Additionally, VSHP is accepting nominations for Regional President-elect for each of the 8 VSHP Regions.  (see map attached).

    Region Presidents-elect are 2 year terms from June 2021-June 2022 as president-elect and June 2022-June 2023 as Region president.

    All interested VSHP members who would like to self-nominate or nominate a colleague for any VSHP or Regional office are encouraged to do so via email to the VSHP Nominations Chair, c/o Steve Glass, Executive Director (  Nominations will be accepted through Friday, March 26, 2021.

    Although any member may nominate a pharmacist for VSHP office, VSHP bylaws state that only pharmacist members may vote in the election. 

    Candidates for state office will be vetted by the VSHP Nominations Committee and ballots will be administered electronically after nominees have accepted and been verified.

  • 01/25/2021 1:42 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    VSHP signed on to the ASHP letter calling for deployment Federal Resources alongside Hospitals and Community Pharmacies to Vaccinate Americans.  See letter attached

    Vaccine Distribution Sign On Letter FINAL.pdf

  • 01/25/2021 12:02 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Attached is the the letter ASHP sent (and VSHP signed on to) to the Biden administration regarding the need for vaccine supply transparency.

    FINAL Vaccine-Supply-Transparency-Sign-On-Letter.pdf


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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