VSHP and VPhA hosted another successful Legislative Day event on January 18, 2023 at the State Capitol in Richmond, VA.
We advocated for the following bills:
● HB2274 (Kilgore)/SB948 - Test/Treat/Refer for Flu/Strep/COVID/UTI following statewide protocols
○ Jan 19th status:
■ HB2274 reported out of subcommittee to full HWI (5Y/4N)
■ SB948 reported out of subcommittee to full Senate (14Y/0N)
● Senate bill pending submission (Pillion) - Virginia Medicaid provider status
● HB1835 (Bell) - Enhances penalties for threats against healthcare providers
VSHP also provided education to legislators on safe medication handling and the consequences that white bagging has on patient care.
Many thanks to the VSHP members who traveled to Richmond to join us. The joint efforts with our VPhA colleagues are making a difference! Check out the social media posts tagged with #VARxAdvocacy2023 for more pictures.
Call to Action!
HB2274 needs your help! Please reach out to your Delegate to encourage them to support the bill when it arrives to them. The following delegates will see the bill next in the HWI committee and we fear a tight vote: Orrock, Head, Bell, Hodges, Edmunds, Robinson, Walker, Fariss, Cherry, Scott (Phillip), March, Wachsmann, Sickles, Hope, Price, Hayes, Delaney, Adams (Dawn), Guzman, Tran, Willett, Hudson.
Find your legislator: https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/
We will continue to track all legislation as it is submitted and will send further Calls to Action as the need arises.
We look forward to hosting another successful event at next year’s Pharmacy Legislative Day!
Your Legislative Committee