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Rodney Stiltner is currently the Director of Pharmacy Services with the VCU Health System. He graduated from pharmacy school at Mercer University in 1994, after which he completed a 1-year Pharmacy Practice Residency followed by a 2-year Pharmacy Administration Residency. He later became involved in VSHP in 1998, while serving in a leadership position in what was the MCV Hospital System, which would later become the VCU Health System. He had previously been involved in 2 other state pharmacy organizations prior to Virginia, while in West Virginia and Wisconsin, where he began to grow his networking skills. With respect to VSHP, Rodney first served as Regional President and later with 2 terms as VSHP President. He has contributed his time heavily to both ASHP and the School of Pharmacy, been involved with VPhA, Novation, Premier, The Advisory Council, Board of Health Professions, PMP Advisory Council, Fresenius Kabi and currently serves as the Virginia Pharmacy Congress Chair.
Cindy Williams has been actively engaged in VSHP for two decades, essentially have of her career in pharmacy. She has held several elected offices, including Board Member-At-Large and President. She has represented VSHP members by serving as a delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates. She has frequently shared her insights participation on several committees, and disseminated best practices through presentations at seminars and webinars. In addition to her formal leadership positions, she has also served as an informal leader, recruiting others to the organization. She has always asked how can she help, and certainly has delivered on her promises. Outside of VSHP, Cindy advocates for pharmacy on other state and national organizations. She has been recognized for her contributions and efforts in many other arenas as well.
Matt Jenkins has led a progressive leadership career. He has held several elected offices, including President and Regional President. Through his progressive leadership career, he worked closely with the Board of Pharmacy to propose and receive approval for two innovative pilot programs, and also lead the adoption of smart pump interoperability, the first implementation for the state. Matt also serves on several national committees and consistently contributes to the lierature, further increasing the impact of his contributions. Matt is a natural mentor and anyone who has worked closely with him can speak to his fierce passion for his mentees.
Over his 40 years of service to VSHP, Craig Kirkwood has held all but 2 elected positions in the organization. These are treasurer and member at large, in case you were interested. Reviewing Craig’s CV was a daunting task, it demonstrates over 4 decades of progressive leadership experience, research, publications, and teaching. Craig is currently the Associate Director for Pharmacotherapy Services and Residency Program Coordinator and preceptor at VCU health system. In addition, he coordinates the teaching and learning certificate program for resident across the state. In addition to his service to VSHP, he has been on the ASHP house of delegates 3 times, on multiple ASHP Section advisory committees and workgroups.
Francine Farnsworth has been involved with advancing the pharmacy profession for over 20 years. She has transitioned from a clinical pharmacy practitioner, to pharmacy administrator and leader, and now into the remote world of a virtual clinical pharmacist. Francine has been in VSHP leadership roles as regional president and as State president as well as the same for the Delaware society. She has been involved with the Jennifer E Stallings Clinical skills competition and has been a recipient of the VSHP R. David Anderson Distinguished Leadership Award and presidential award. Francine has also been a residency program director and has mentored many health care professional students in her distinguished career. Francine is also a fellow of ASHP.
Stephen LaHaye is currently serving as a Senior Consultant for the Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD). He began his career after graduating Pharmacy School, serving as an officer in the United States Air Force from 1991 until 1995. Next, he moved to the Richmond, Virginia area where he worked in Health System Pharmacy for several years. It was during this time he first joined VSHP. Next he relocated to Louisiana, where at that time he served as President of the North Louisiana Society of Health System Pharmacy. Several years later, Stephen returned to Virginia and shortly thereafter served as VSHP Region President. He followed this up by next serving as a VSHP Delegate to ASHP and then as VSHP President. In 2011 he was selected as VSHP Pharmacist of the Year. He continued to serve VSHP as a Delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates for several years as well as showing his support by attending several VSHP and ASHP Legislative days. He next spent a 3-year stent representing VSHP on the ASHP Commission to Affiliate Relations
Alexis Crawford can trace her VSHP participation back to her student days when she competed int the Jennifer E Stallings College Bowl. Since that time, she has been a very active member of the society. Alexis has coordinated the last 8 College Bowls for VSHP, in addition to serving as Education Committee Chair. Alexis received the New Practitioner award in 2014, was awarded a VSHP grant in 2020, and has been an active mentor for students and new practitioners. Education is certainly a passion for Alexis, who currently serves on faculty at VCU School of Pharmacy, and who previously served as a residency preceptor and coordinator for Bon Secours.
Rebeccah Collins has been a VSHP member since 1996. She has been a chair and/or member of the education committee, professional practice committee, PAC and a regional president. She is the current chair of the Resident and Student Advisory Committee. Rebeccah has been advancing the pharmacy profession acting as a pharmacy residency program director, IPPE and APPE preceptor as well as associate clinical professor for pharmacy, family practice and physician’s assistant programs. She has been awarded VCU School of Pharmacy Preceptor of the Year and mentor award.