Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists

Latest News and News Archives

  • 12/07/2022 11:07 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    This past year, $10,000, had been set aside for its grants program. This program allows VSHP members to apply for a grant in order to fund a project which will improve health - system pharmacy services and patient care in Virginia. There are several conditions that must be met for a successful grant application. The Grants Committee is proud to announce the grant proposals that were selected this year: 

    • Rebecca Collins (VCU) was awarded a grant to help pay for monitoring supplies, such as blood pressure cuffs, for a program that will utilize pharmacy students and residents to provide health screenings to the homeless population in the greater Richmond area.  This has been set up as an approved service learning opportunity through VCU School of Pharmacy.
    • Caitlin Prather (INOVA) was awarded a grant to help optimize care for patients undergoing PrEP therapy at an increased risk for osteoporosis. A peripheral bone densitometer will be purchased to help monitor bone health in this patient population.
    • Jennifer Purdy (Riverside) was awarded a grant to expand a pilot program to improve the quality of life for older adults. A comprehensive medication management (CMM) program will be conducted and enable individuals to receive one-on-one education and tailored advice from a pharmacist.

    Congratulations to the awardees!

  • 12/07/2022 10:51 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    See the letter below from the Virginia Board of Pharmacy regarding a new CE requirement in 2023.   VSHP's Education Committee is working to bring this CE to our meetings in 2023. 

  • 12/02/2022 9:47 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)


    The mission of the Virginia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to inspire innovative pharmacy practice by promoting education, advocacy and collaboration to help people achieve optimal health outcomes. We work towards fulfilling our mission every year through education of our members via region meetings, statewide meetings, newsletters, and our website; fostering professional standards; educating the public about the role of health system pharmacists; monitoring legislative issues that affect pharmacy; and by promoting health system pharmacy as a career path for future pharmacists. The majority of our Society's work is done by member volunteers working through our committees. You can play a vital role by serving on one of our committees.

    What will you get out of it? You will meet and get to know many of the current and future pharmacy leaders in Virginia. You will have the professional satisfaction of helping shape and advance health system pharmacy in Virginia. You will make new friends. You will build your resume.

    If you are interested in serving on a committee for VSHP, please fill out the form below.  Committee involvement typically takes less than 1 hour per month and is facilitated through conference calls.

    The Committee Chair will contact you regarding upcoming meetings or other opportunities to participate. 



    COMMUNICATIONS: The Communications Committee is responsible for the direction, development, and quality control of all VSHP publications, including the VSHP web site.

    EDUCATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Educational Affairs Committee is responsible for planning, coordinating, and evaluating educational content of the 2 statewide VSHP meetings.

    GRANTS: The Grants Committee will review requests from individuals and groups in need of grant funding for specific programs or program elements which match the mission of VSHP.

    LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS: The Legislative Affairs Committee is responsible for informing the VSHP membership and Board of Directors of important legislation and regulations and how they will impact pharmacy practice in organized health care settings in Virginia.

    MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT: The Membership Engagement Committee reviews and suggests ways for the membership of VSHP to become more engaged in VSHP.  

    ORGANIZATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Organizational Affairs Committee reviews and analyzes the VSHP organization and make recommendations to increase its effectiveness. 

    PAC: The Political Action Committee works to raise monies for the VSHP PAC and determines the best uses for the funds raised.

    STUDENT and RESIDENTS COMMITTEE: The Student and Residents Committee provides input to VSHP on how to get students interested in health-system pharmacy practice and how to get them interested and involved in VSHP.

    Make a commitment to get involved in VSHP.

    To join a committee: 

    Please respond by 12/31/2022

  • 12/02/2022 9:04 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    2023 Spring Seminar Presentation Proposal Form

    Submission for March 31-April 1, Virginia Crossing Hotel, Richmond, VA

    VSHP is accepting speaker proposals that will provide quality continuing education to our members. Please submit your completed proposal form to by Friday, January 6.

    Thank you for supporting the educational mission of VSHP!

    Submission form

  • 11/30/2022 3:37 PM | Steve Glass (Administrator)


    All pharmacist ASHP members in Virginia are eligible to nominate, be nominated, and vote for delegates and alternates to represent Virginia at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 2023 House of Delegates. 

    Individuals wishing to nominate themselves or another ASHP member for the slate of candidates are invited to submit names, by 5pm, Friday December 16, 2022, to: .   Nominations must be accompanied with a bio not to exceed 300 words which will be used in the ballot.

    One (1) delegate for a three (3) year term and up to two (2) alternate delegates for a one (1) year term will be elected.

    Duties of Delegates

    The Chair of the House of Delegates will conduct a welcome webinar in late February or early March to provide new and returning delegates with an overview of service requirements before participating in the March 2023 virtual House of Delegates. The Chair also regularly communicates with delegates through email messages to alert delegates to upcoming action items.

    Regional Delegate Conferences are scheduled April 29-May 2, 2023 and it is recommended that delegates attend one of these sessions.

    The House of Delegates will meet on two separate occasions at the 2023 ASHP Summer Meetings, scheduled to be held June 10-14 in Baltimore, MD.     

    Additional virtual House of Delegates may be held in May 2023 and November 2023 and/or at additional times, as deemed necessary.

    Resources to Help Serve as a Delegate

    Please review the ASHP House of Delegates webpage for more information on delegate responsibilities.

    The candidate receiving the most votes will become delegate, with the next highest vote receivers elected as alternates.  A simple majority is required for election. 

    For further information, please contact the VSHP office at (850) 906-0779 or email .


  • 11/29/2022 8:12 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    ***As presented at the VSHP Fall Seminar, November 5, 2022***

    The VSHP Pharmacist of the Year is a member with a record of service to the profession of pharmacy, specifically health system pharmacy.  This should include contributions to pharmacy programs within the Commonwealth ,  as well as cooperation and contributions to the health-care team. The awardee should be recognized by the profession as a leader within pharmacy Service to the community. 

    This year’s winner is a graduate of the Campbell University School of Pharmacy, with a PGY-1 at Duke and a PGY-2 Internal Medicine, ID, and Academia at Campbell and Duke.  She has a long history of service to the Carilion system, but her nominator focused on her work with pharmacy technicians.  She established a 16-week technician training program to help combat technician shortages in the system. To establish the program, she had to develop internal technician talent and connect with area partners to provide the technician trainees with a well-rounded experience.  Her program has graduated 8 technicians with an 87% retention rate.  All of the technicians that have taken their PTCB exam to date have passed.  Her nominator states “It’s hard to fully describe the impact she has had on these students. She works hard to build a close relationship with each student that allows her to guide and mentor these students through pivotal points in their lives. Many students are looking for career changes, looking get into a healthcare career, or are relatively new to the workforce. She has fully embraced the opportunity she has to impact their lives and their careers, and it has truly made a huge difference in our department!”

    Congratulations to VSHP Pharmacist of the Year, Megan Goodwin.

  • 11/28/2022 10:19 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Application for Fellow of VSHP

    The application for recognition as a Fellow of VSHP, to honor sustained contribution to VSHP and health-system practice in Virginia, is now available on the VSHP web site.

    The Fellow of VSHP award was created to recognize VSHP-member pharmacists with continual, but perhaps less apparent, contribution to the VSHP mission.  The criteria were developed with consideration of other state societies’ and ASHP’s criteria.  After approval by the Executive Committee and the Board, a group of FASHP-awarded VSHP members reviewed the proposed criteria, processes, and application. The Board approved the final materials at the Retreat in June, 2022.

    Applications received prior to January 15, 2023, will be considered in the first round of the Fellow of VSHP candidates. Inaugural Fellows of VSHP will be recognized at the 2023 VSHP Spring Seminar. Applications will be reviewed annually on a similar timeline.

    FVSHP Application Form

    Guidance Document

  • 11/28/2022 9:52 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    ***As presented at the VSHP Fall Seminar on 11/4/2022***

    This year’s technician of the year is frequently involved in VSHP activities, he not only attends VSHP conferences for VSHP, but he attends local meetings and provides valuable input on the current issues facing pharmacy technicians not just in the state but nationally. He also advocates for the pharmacy profession as a whole.

    He received his diploma of pharmacy technician studies at Virginia College in 2013, he worked in various independent and retail pharmacies prior to his career at VCU Health where he is the controlled substance technician. He is part of a team that is responsible for controlled substance management and maintain document integrity both inpatient and outpatient throughout the health system which we all know is a top priority in healthcare right now. His support during controlled substance shortages especially the benzodiazepine shortage has been astounding. Not only is his expertise in this area irreplaceable but his peers are consistently impressed by his teamwork, advocating for patients, and coordination of the complex controlled substances inventory.

    2022s VSHP Pharmacy technician of the year is Lamar Johnson from VCU Health System.

    (pictured above Rodney Stiltner (l) presenting the award to Lamar Johnson

  • 11/21/2022 9:35 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    Did you know that Virginia now requires 3 hours of live CE for license renewal


    To help you fulfill this requirement VSHP is offering three live webinars in December with each having one hour of live CE.  These webinars are FREE to VSHP members.  Non-members pay a nominal fee.

    December 8 @ 12 noon: Dynamics in the Biosimilar Landscape: Recent and Upcoming Changes  To Register

    December 13 @ 12 noon: Depression Updates  To register

    December 15 @ 12 noon:  Thrombolytic Product Conversion Implications for Health System Pharmacy  To register

    Please share with others on your team.

    Hope you will join us for these programs.

  • 11/21/2022 8:38 AM | Steve Glass (Administrator)

    ***As presented at the VSHP Fall Seminar, November 4, 2022****

    The VSHP New Practitioner Award is given to a VSHP member that has earned their first pharmacy degree in the last five years.  This member supports the organization through meeting attendance and participation, promotes the pharmacy profession within the commonwealth, and provides service to the community.  They must also demonstrate superior leadership, innovation, or clinical skill as compared to other new practitioners.


    This year’s award winner is a graduate of Auburn University, where she also completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency.  She came to Virginia to complete her PGY-2 in Ambulatory Care at INOVA Fairfax and is now a Clinical Pharmacist with the Inova Juniper Program.  She is board certified in Ambulatory Care and is accredited as an HIV Pharmacist by the American Academy of HIV Medicine.  She is member of the Education and Communications committees and was recently Region 2 President.  She is a frequent contributor to VSHP meetings (and is presenting today) and is published in the most recent AJHP.

    Congratulations to VSHP New Practitioner of the Year, Caitlin Prather.


tel:  850-728-4474

fax:  678-401-0259

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