The 2025 VSHP Committee on Nominations is pursuing members who wish to get or stay active and involved in VSHP. These candidates should exhibit qualities of leadership, vision and professional awareness that will sustain the enterprising and pioneering spirit that has characterized VSHP.
The offices of President-elect, Treasurer, Board Member at Large, and Technician at Large are included in this election cycle.
Nominees for President-elect, Treasurer, Board Member at Large must be a pharmacist member of VSHP.
Nominees for Technician Board Member at Large must be a technician member of VSHP.
The term of office for the President-elect will be June 2025-June 2026; President from June 2026-June 2027; Immediate Past-President June 2027-June 2028.
Treasurer and Board member at large are 2 year terms from June 2025-June 2027.
Technician Board Member at Large is a one year term from June 2025-June 2026.
Position descriptions may be found on the VSHP website at:
Additionally, VSHP is accepting nominations for Regional President-elect for each of the 8 VSHP Regions. (see map).
Region Presidents-elect are 2 year terms from June 2025-June 2026 as president-elect and June 2026-June 2027 as Region president.
All interested VSHP members who would like to self-nominate or nominate a colleague for any VSHP or Regional office are encouraged to do so via email to the VSHP Nominations Chair, c/o Steve Glass, Executive Director ( Nominations will be accepted through Friday, April 11, 2025.
Although any member may nominate a pharmacist for VSHP office, VSHP bylaws state that only pharmacist members may vote in the election.
Candidates for state office will be vetted by the VSHP Nominations Committee and ballots will be administered electronically after nominees have accepted and been verified.